Workers forward ‘keep on working on’
The Work Forward movement continued its progress with another gathering in November.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
We started the workshop with a warm-up activity which served as the prototype of our Forward Workers Directory, which will be a quick-access guide to who’s who in the Work Forward world.
From there everyone heard a brief synthesis of the Work Forward Summit. Here’s a summary of each working group’s activities.
Success Stories: We are Work Forward
Ultimately, the Success Stories team looks forward to providing numerous success stories of Work Forward in action in a host of different organizations. But to get started, the group applied a more personal tone—each team member will be writing or recording a blog-style accounting of how and why they’ve joined Work Forward, and expressing their hopes and dreams for the movement, and how they plan to stay involved.
Assessments: Are we ready to Work Forward?
After revisiting the work already done, both last year and this year, the Assessment group focused on how to build a framework for an assessment that would be relevant from a team level all the way up to a company level. This broke down into Practices, Principles, When/Where We Work, Tools, and Personal Needs. With the first objective to form questions for each of the five work priorities, we determined how we would work asynchronously and scheduled our next synchronous meeting.
Resources & Tools: Work Forward Applied
After reviewing the great past work exploring personas, possible tools, and scenarios, the Resources & Tools team focused on what would be the most important first tool/resource to develop. They discussed “stepping stone #1” which led to the idea of building a welcome kit and a clear process to be used when someone who arrives at Work Forward wants to get acquainted and learn what they can do.
The team resolved that by December, they will design a kit that contains, among other things, What is Work Forward, where to connect (slack, Linkedin, etc.), and an experience journey map to see what Work Forward adventures one can pursue.
Promotion & Socialization: Evangelize Work Forward
The group finalized plans for creating regular engaging podcasts. While the 4 “core” members will kick off the series, we hope to bring in new guest speakers for future episodes in the interest of expanding our relatability to the audience.
Pre-production/scripting has already begun, and the Promotion & Socialization group hopes to record its first batch of episodes during the next meet-up. They plan to launch our podcast on Jan 7th, and every other week thereafter.
We came back to the plenary group for a share out from each team—not just what people were working on, but also how they would be working and communicating to accomplish their assigned tasks.
Finally, everyone was reminded about how we can continue to grow and activate Work Forward:
- Visit the website. Here you will find all our current resources—from the manifesto to existing tools like the Challenge Wheel—all geared towards helping you embrace and activate Work Forward in your own life.
- Work Forward on Slack. Here we are regularly sharing and collaborating, bringing new ideas and information to the movement.
- Join us on LinkedIn. This is a great way to stay involved while also helping to amplify Work Forward to your larger network.
The Work Forward community will gather again in December to show-and-tell everything that has been created and to share our goals for 2021. Stay tuned for info on that session and other developments.