Transform your future
Support your team’s ability to change by helping them understand the journey. We help you design and develop your large-scale change and transformation initiatives, then work with you to build the tools to activate the change throughout the organization so that the journey is clear, meaningful, and rewarding.

We help you design, develop, and integrate your large-scale organizational change and transformation initiatives.
No matter where you are in your transformation journey, we’ve got your back.
Here are some common ways we collaborate with our clients to enable meaningful change:
Here are some common ways we collaborate with our clients to enable meaningful change:
Ways of Working
Training Systems
Leadership Training
Communication Charters
Best Practices Handbooks
Mission, Vision, & Values Design
Leadership Training
Communication Charters
Best Practices Handbooks
Mission, Vision, & Values Design
Organizational Alignment
Onboarding Programs
Awareness Campaigns
Culture Development Programs
Transformation Roadmaps
Culture Champion Programs
Awareness Campaigns
Culture Development Programs
Transformation Roadmaps
Culture Champion Programs
Performance Optimization
Transformation Readiness
Design Sprints
Metrics & Management
IT Transformation
Human Capital Management Systems
Design Sprints
Metrics & Management
IT Transformation
Human Capital Management Systems
Let’s get you started fast
AS QUICK AS 1 day • $2K–10k
Jumpstart your transformation initiatives with our fast-start engagements. Spend a half day mapping out the communications plan for a new org structure, brainstorm a learning tool to initiate behavior change in your division, evaluate your organization’s readiness for change, etc.
Let’s work on a project together
USUALLY 2-10 WEEKS • $10K–200k
Our most common engagement type, our standard engagements will help you successfully set up, refine, and launch (or anything in between!) your transformation. Map and implement a change management regime, design and execute a reorganization that supports your organization’s values and mission, optimize your teams performance and evaluate your current systems. Let’s work together to tailor an approach to your transformation needs.
Make us your innovation team
Do you want a reliable guide to transformation? Transformation as a Service is our subscription-based model customized to fit your specific business needs. Territory as your in-house partner, helping to guide you and matching any opportunity with specific expertise. We’ll help you evolve your business.
Let’s get Started.
Our global team of experts is ready to meet whatever challenge you’re facing.
“We explored the right questions to ask, created the framework, and the tools for transformation – not just to get started, but to keep us going. In short, we were able to organize our thinking with clarity, vision, precision, and vigor. What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School, you learn at Territory.”

Omar Baig
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