Chatting with the bots

Curious about the differences between AI chatbots and how best to utilize AI? We “interviewed” Bard, Bing, and ChatGPT to gain insights about the possibilities evolving in very real time for how AI can help your business. We based our questions on growing needs across all industries, concerns about the ethical nature of AI, and our team’s curiosity. Check out the responses we got from each AI tool.
Monday, April 17, 2023
What are five ways AI can improve user engagement in 2023?


  1. Personalization: AI can be used to personalize user experiences, making them more relevant and engaging.
  2. Predictive analytics: AI can be used to predict user behavior, helping organizations anticipate and meet their needs.
  3. Automation: AI can be used to automate tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic work.
  4. Real-time insights: AI can provide real-time insights into user behavior, helping organizations make better decisions.
  5. Engagement platforms: AI can be used to build engagement platforms that allow users to interact with organizations in new and innovative ways.


ChatGPT: (In addition to the points Bard made) Visual recognition: AI-powered visual recognition can enable users to interact with products and services in new ways. For example, Ikea’s Place app uses AI to enable users to visualize how furniture would look in their homes before making a purchase.

Bing Chat: (In addition to points made by Bard and ChatGPT) AI can improve user engagement by enabling gamification and socialization of products and services, such as using reinforcement learning, computer graphics, and social network analysis to create immersive and interactive experiences.
How can AI help foster trust between an organization and the organization’s customers?

Bard: Transparency: AI can be used to provide transparency into how organizations make decisions. For example, AI can be used to track the performance of algorithms, so that organizations can be accountable for their decisions.

ChatGPT: Ethical use of data: AI-powered systems can be designed to ensure that data is being used ethically, which can build trust with customers.

Bing: AI can help foster trust by ensuring the security and privacy of AI systems, such as using encryption, authentication, and anonymization techniques to protect data and information from unauthorized access or misuse.

What project management tasks can AI complete for organizations on a daily basis?

Bard: AI can be used to identify and manage risks, such as delays, cost, overruns, and quality issues.

ChatGPT: Monitoring performance—AI-powered systems can monitor performance metrics in real time and provide alerts when issues arise.

Bing: AI can complete project management tasks such as planning, scheduling, budgeting, and resource allocation, by using optimization algorithms, predictive analytics, and simulation techniques to find the best solutions for project objectives.

What industries are adapting AI into their daily operations in 2023, and in what ways are they doing this?

Bard,  ChatGPT,  Bing: Finance, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and logistics and transportation.

Can AI improve DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives? If so, how?

Bard: AI can be used to develop new programs and initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. For example, AI can be used to identify potential candidates for jobs who are underrepresented in a particular organization. AI can also be used to develop training programs that help employees to understand and address unconscious bias.

ChatGPT: Yes, AI can improve DEI initiatives by reducing bias and increasing diversity. For example, AI-powered recruitment tools can reduce unconscious bias in hiring by analyzing resumes and selecting candidates based on qualifications rather than demographics. AI-powered language translation tools can also help to increase inclusivity by enabling communication across language barriers. Additionally, AI-powered data analysis can help identify and address bias in organizational policies and practices. By reducing bias and increasing diversity, AI can help create a more equitable and inclusive workplace.

Bing: AI can use data analytics, visualization, and reporting to monitor and measure the impact of DEI initiatives on various metrics, such as representation, retention, engagement, and performance.

Who controls AI?

Bard: Governments, companies, researchers, and individuals. It is important to note that AI is a complex and ever-changing field, and the control of AI is likely to evolve over time.

ChatGPT: AI is a rapidly evolving technology that is being developed and used by a wide range of individuals, organizations and governments around the world. In general, the development and use of AI are guided by a combination of market forces, government policies, and ethical considerations. Private companies and startups are investing heavily in AI research and development, driven by the potential for commercial applications and the potential for new revenue streams.

Bing: AI is a technology that is being developed by many companies and organizations around the world. Therefore, it is difficult to say who controls AI as it is not owned by any one person or organization.

While AI is progressing at a rapid pace, don’t just sit on the side and watch. Now is the time to embark on your journey of discovery to understand how to utilize it for your needs. What are your questions? How can you make AI work for you?

Carson Orr

Territory's Marketing Coordinator, Carson uses his background in design and innovation to help the Territory team produce content and strive for success. His technical expertise and critical thinking make him an excellent collaborator, and he loves working with others to solve problems. Originally from Oregon, Carson currently lives in Frisco, TX.

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