Harmonizing a diverse team’s vision and building an action plan

Aligning a diverse, distributed global team can be daunting. Indeed, just getting them in the same room can be a challenge, let alone working with them to agree on a common direction.

Despite the risks, the benefits can be extremely advantageous. Sharing and exploring unique insights and perspectives can increase productivity, reduce friction, and ultimately, improve customer satisfaction, not to mention employee job satisfaction.

The marketing team of a prominent global software company engaged Territory to support their efforts to collaborate across regions in the context of building their strategic plan. This included exploring and aligning on their vision, establishing priorities, and clarifying roles and responsibilities. To achieve these goals, Territory held a two-day workshop to generate insights and discussion, create a shared sense of purpose, and focus on the key decisions and activities that would support success. Following the workshop, Territory developed an online collaborative tool to gather and synthesize additional details and feedback. This was used to create a shared roadmap with well-defined strategic paths, specific activities, and simple, quarterly metrics to ensure visibility and accountability long after the team members returned home.

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